Couples Therapy:

How to Navigate Love’s Challenges

for Lasting Happiness

357930299You want more than peace.

Couples who attend couples therapy often tell me they want to feel like a team again.

The things you’ve said… you wish you could take back. Self-protection kicks in more times than you would like. Suddenly, you’re spoon-feeding words that hurt your partner. Alternatively, maybe you’re receiving words that you to shut down or go silent.

Maybe they’ll get it if you avoid them or if you defend yourself harder or louder.

There’s love there, but the exhausting disconnect between you often leads to hard words or neglect.

In summary, you both feel misunderstood.

You each hope the other makes steps in your direction, quickly becoming frustrated and reactive when it doesn’t work that way.

771563650It’s time to restore your relationship with couples therapy.

Working from a Level II certification in Restoration Couples Therapy, I will guide you in exploring patterns that haven’t served you. By doing so, we’ll open the door and lead you to a world of healthier communication and increased self/other awareness.

Soon, you’ll enjoy the strength you experience from remaining present for yourself and your partner.

You’ll experience empowerment. Indeed, you’ll transition from reacting out of childhood hurts into a confident adult who communicates from love and truth and gets results for your relationship.

Interested in learning more about how to tell when it’s time for couples therapy? Click here to read my recent blog about exactly this!

How Couples Therapy can help.

Couples therapy provides a safe and confidential space for partners to openly discuss and explore their concerns, conflicts, and challenges with the guidance of a trained therapist. In other words, it aims to facilitate better communication, enhance understanding, and improve the overall quality of the relationship. Thus, it can help couples develop essential skills for resolving conflicts, building trust, and fostering emotional intimacy.

Whether couples are dealing with communication breakdowns, trust issues, unresolved conflicts, or seeking to strengthen their connection, couples therapy offers a structured and supportive environment to work through these issues and create a healthier, more fulfilling partnership.

Let’s get you back on each other’s side.

Your relationship is a complicated, wonderful adventure.

And like any journey, it helps to have an experienced guide to walk you toward the exciting destination you know is possible.

Call (323) 870-2557 or submit a contact form to set up a free 15-minute consultation. It’s time to feel like a team again.