Navigating College Stress:

How To Forge Your Path To Happiness

1172783347Transitioning to adulthood is supposed to be exciting. College Stress isn’t supposed to be this overwhelming.

After all, you’re making more choices, going out whenever you want, and discovering new interests. But, thanks to college stress, it’s not all fun.

You’re struggling to find your passions… your strengths… your people… your MAJOR!

At first, you feel reluctant, unsure if going out with friends or studying another hour for that big exam is even worth it.

Suddenly, it’s hard to focus, and motivation is difficult to maintain.

Now, new friends, old friends, and family occupy more space in your mind than you have to give.

Firstly, know that you are not alone. Unfortunately, the most recent research shows that 45% of college students report that “most days they are so stressed they can’t function.”


People probably have no idea how much college stress is detracting from your happiness.

School, work, friends, life…

It all swirls around in your mind, and you don’t have the time or mental space for all of it. In contrast, it seems so easy to those around you. You wonder how they do it.

A little stress is normal and can even motivate you to study, make friends, or explore new passions. However, too much stress can negatively impact your ability to reach your goals.

Firstly, do you feel anxious or depressed?

Secondly, are you having trouble sleeping?

Thirdly, do you get sick a lot?

Fourthly, have your eating habits changed?

Finally, do you feel socially isolated?

If so, of course you are feeling stressed! Symptoms like these can leave you lonely, overwhelmed, and without direction. Moreover, they can paralyze your decision-making abilities and convince you that you aren’t capable of accomplishing more.

239120065Therapy is a great place to sort it all out.

Good news, there are numerous things we can do to liberate you from emotional and physical struggles now and later in life.

Identifying and working through underlying problems…

Firstly, I’ll guide you through gentle exploration of your story, highlighting pain points resurfacing as negative self-messages plaguing you today.

Finding new ways to cope with anxiety and stress…

Next, together, we’ll explore a more encouraging self-voice based on your unique strength to help guide your choices and relationships.

Managing stress…

Finally, you’ll leave therapy with a set of tools tailored to helping you manage stress, offering you newfound confidence in your identity, skillset, ability to make solid choices, and the benefits you bring to the lives of others.

Auxiliary skills like EMDR and Mindfulness will help you tap into your body’s innate skill to move through more difficult-to-manage distress, opening you up to more opportunities to capitalize on your unique strength to overcome hard moments.

Getting organized…

Silencing the negative self-critic will afford you a boost in task management, helping you step away from procrastination and into confidence.

524512270Making better use of your time…

There’s no time for self-doubt to control your schedule! As someone in control of emotion regulation, you’ll feel empowered to make it through an otherwise impossible schedule.

Overcoming College Stress: Where to Start

Setting priorities…

There’s so much you hope to accomplish. Silencing the self-critic and making room for a more encouraging expression of your skills and strengths paves the way for greater efficiency in the many dreams you can’t abandon.

Balancing responsibilities…

Everything and everyone seems to need your time! Thus, learning to sift through the many voices competing for your attention offers you greater efficiency in accomplishing the goals that matter to YOU.

Improving your relationships…

College stress in its many forms can lead to indecision, apathy, or irritation in relationships. Thus, learning to manage the emotional stressors, understanding pain points in your life and how to decrease their hold on your present, and living in the confidence of your identity and strength affords a greater connectedness in your relationships with others.

If you’re tired of the barrier college stress creates between you and your ambitions…

It’s time to reach out for some extra help. Stop struggling on your own! Learn more about college stress and how to overcome it by reaching out for therapy today where, together, we’ll personalize the lessons provided here and in my blog about how to navigate college stress.

Seeking help from an experienced guide shows your commitment to reaching the important goals you don’t want to sacrifice.

Don’t wait to start the rest of your life!

Reach out today for your free consultation. Let’s see how I can help.